An Alternative to a Ujjain to Omkareshwar Taxi

If you decide to go from Ujjain to Omkareshwar, you will need a ride. You should choose comfort and affordability instead of using an expensive Ujjain to Omkareshwar cab service. Use inDrive.Outstation.

You’ll be able to negotiate the price of your trip from Ujjain to Omkareshwar. This is an advantage you may not enjoy with a Ujjain to Omkareshwar taxi service.

When your journey from Ujjain to Omkareshwar ends, the fare you agree on with the inDrive.Outstation driver won’t change for any reason.

You can stop relying on an expensive Ujjain to Omkareshwar taxi fare thanks to our platform. inDrive.Outstation is different from Ujjain taxi service in all ramifications.

Nothing is going to change the price you agreed with the driver to get from Ujjain to Omkareshwar. Our platform is designed to give you the freedom to choose how much you can pay, although a driver has the right to accept or make a counterproposal.

Ujjain to Omkareshwar taxi booking can be a hassle. With inDrive.Outstation, your ride booking is sorted in just a few clicks. All you need to do is simply enter your trip details, and you will receive a confirmation, although not an instant confirmation. To enter trip details, use our website or free app.

Like a Cab From Ujjain to Omkareshwar But With Fair Prices

The drivers who use inDrive.Outstation have vehicles that can guarantee you a cool trip experience, even if they may not be luxury cars.

inDrive is not a Ujjain to Omkareshwar cab service. Regardless of the travel distance, verified drivers from our platform are ready to give you a stress-free travel experience.

With the help of our platform, which you can access through our website or mobile app, you will get quality service from Ujjain to Omkareshwar.

After booking, the driver receives your travel details and prepares to pick you up at your preferred location. Your fare details won’t change once you and the driver reach an agreement. This is what makes us different from Ujjain to Omkareshwar cab services.

The cheapest Omkareshwar cab fare may still be more expensive than the price of an inDrive.Outstation trip from Ujjain to Omkareshwar because you negotiate your trip fare by yourself. We will help you avoid the excess charges you pay for your Ujjain to Omkareshwar travel.

Map data from OpenStreetMap

Ujjain to Omkareshwar Route Information

SH59 and NH347BG

Ujjain - Indore - Omkareshwar Route

SH64 and NH52

Ujjain - Dewas - Omkareshwar Route

SH59 and MD5001

Ujjain - Sanawad - Omkareshwar Route

The first route is well-liked for its excellent road conditions, and passes through Indore, which offers a blend of rural and urban scenery.

A little shorter than the Indore route, it passes through Dewas and is reputed to have less traffic. This lengthier route passes through Sanawad and provides beautiful views of the surrounding area from a different angle.

The road from Ujjain to Omkareshwar passes through Madhya Pradesh, India. This trip covers 133 kilometres according to the exact route. The projected four-hour ride will provide visitors with scenic views and a glimpse into the local lifestyle.

Ujjain has many attractions and easy cab service from one place to another. Skip the hassle of public transport, and instead spend time at the Vedh Shala Observatory, the Kumbh Mela area, or the Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga Temple.

Ujjain to Omkareshwar Distance

About 140 kilometres separate Omkareshwar and Ujjain. To avoid the heavy traffic, it is normally advisable to use a one-way cab service from Ujjain to Omkareshwar. A great alternative to it is inDrive.Outstation.

For individuals seeking public transport, buses, and trains are available, however the trip times are different. The bus ride lasts 4 to 5 hours, depending on the routes and services, and the train ride lasts roughly 3 hours and 15 minutes.

How does it work?

So, why choose us?

Fair prices

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Verified drivers

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Door-to-door service

You can be picked up and dropped off directly at your desired location

Why we are safe

About Omkareshwar

In Madhya Pradesh, India, Omkareshwar is a highly respected Hindu pilgrimage place that is tucked away on the banks of the Narmada River.

Shaped like the holy Hindu symbol 'Om,' this island derives its sanctity from one of the twelve jyotirlingas here, making it an important Shaivista center. At the center of this mystical island stands the Omkareshwar temple, devoted to Lord Shiva and exuding a calm, loving air.

Omkareshwar's surrounding area is characterized by gently rolling hills and abundant vegetation, offering a tranquil setting for its guests' spiritual endeavors. In addition to its religious significance, Omkareshwar provides environment enthusiasts and tranquility seekers with a lovely location.

Its mystical charm is enhanced by the historic architectural wonders scattered throughout the region, as well as the confluence of the Narmada and Kaveri rivers, which provide a special fusion of spiritual comfort and natural beauty.

There are a few cab hire options to get from Ujjain to Omkareshwar to help you when you visit Omkareshwar. Drivers from our platform also serve passengers here.

What Are the Best Destinations to Visit in Omkareshwar?

Popular routes


Delhi NCR

Delhi NCR

















Whether you'll be visiting by yourself or with other people from Ujjain to Omkareshwar, you can take a hatchback or sedan among the many vehicle options that taxi service providers in Ujjain have. 4 or 5 people can ride in these types of cars. They regularly have the same per-km price.

For your adventure from Ujjain to Omkareshwar, you can book an SUV if there are 5 or 6 adults in your circle depending on the availability of this option.

For bigger events, minibuses are the best choice. This sort of car can move 10 to 20 people from Ujjain to Omkareshwar.

Ujjain to Omkareshwar Taxi Fare

The price of a taxi from Ujjain to Omkareshwar varies primarily based on the type of car and the operator.

The fare is set between ₹1,800 and ₹3,600 on average. The fare ranges from approximately ₹1,800 to ₹2,300 for a normal sedan like an Etios or Dzire, and from ₹2,300 to ₹3,600 for an SUV.

Certain offerings have unique advantages and reductions that can decrease the fare. To guarantee availability and get good deals, it's better to book online in advance, especially during religious festivals or popular tours when demand for cabs can spike.

Ujjain to Omkareshwar Train Tickets

For individuals who wish to discover the wealthy cultural background of these two commemorated towns, taking the train from Ujjain to Omkareshwar is a great and picturesque opportunity.

Numerous trains are run through Indian Railways throughout Omkareshwar, a holy town that is home to one of the 12 sacred Jyotirlingas, and Ujjain, a metropolis that is well known for its Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga.

Another way to get from Ujjain to Omkareshwar is by inDrive.Outstation instead of by train, especially if you're going with a group of roughly 5 people. You can negotiate the trip fare with the driver. Thanks to this, you can save money.

Ujjain to Omkareshwar Bus Tickets

Bus travel is a common way for visitors and pilgrims to get from Ujjain to Omkareshwar, as it offers a straight direction between these two sacred places.

The approximately 135-kilometre ride gives visitors the chance to explore the breathtaking surroundings of Madhya Pradesh.

Buses serve a range of comfort levels and price points, with both state-run and private operators offering services to make transit accessible to all passengers.

Sadly, bus companies’ prices from Ujjain to Omkareshwar may be above your travel budget. If you use inDrive.Outstation, you will be able to tell a driver how much you can afford for the trip, and if the driver is okay with it, you have a ride from Ujjain to Omkareshwar.

Ujjain to Omkareshwar Taxi Companies

Taxi firms in Ujjain and Omkareshwar offer their services at varying rates. Examine the various taxi drivers before starting your round trip. You will then be able to select the option that most closely matches your spending limit.

There is an additional, less expensive option to travel from Ujjain to Omkareshwar. It’s called inDrive.Outstation. All you need to do is to use our website or app, enter trip details and other information, and you’ll be ready.

You, and not a third-party company, can determine the cost of your trips when you utilize our cutting-edge transportation platform. Thanks to this, you can save on your Ujjain to Omkareshwar trip.


How far is Omkareshwar from Ujjain?

Omkareshwar is 133 kilometres from Ujjain. Depending on the exact direction you choose, the mileage may increase.

How long does it take to travel from Ujjain to Omkareshwar by cab?

A Ujjain to Omkareshwar cab trip usually takes 3 to 4 hours, depending on the route taken, the volume of traffic, and the speed of the driver.

How much is a taxi from Ujjain to Omkareshwar?

Numerous factors could impact the cost of a taxi from Ujjain to Omkareshwar, including the kind of vehicle, the taxi company, and any additional services or taxes. Generally speaking, a one-way trip could cost between INR 2,500 and INR 4,000 or more.

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The inDrive online passenger transportation aggregator is not a taxi service and is not involved in the relationship of Users. All requests are created, sent and performed by users independently.