inDrive.Outstation is a great choice for travelers who want to ride from Dehradun to Mussoorie! Our platform isn’t a regular taxi service. We work according to our own rules. The main one is providing our users with fair prices for intercity travel.
By booking a Dehradun to Mussoorie taxi, you must pay according to its fares. We think this is unfair. That's why our users set their own ride prices. Plus, they can choose the car or driver and negotiate the ride.
Can any Dehradun to Mussoorie taxi service offer you these benefits? Obviously not. Traveling with inDrive.Outstation is more convenient. You don't have to depend on the rules of transport companies. Instead, you can set the terms for your rides yourself.
Your travel expenses won't include fees for downtime or time of day. You offer our drivers a certain price. They're free to agree with you or make you a counteroffer. Dehradun to Mussoorie cab booking services, on the other hand, don't give you the opportunity to negotiate.
Like any regular Dehradun to Mussoorie cab service, we definitely check our drivers. Our team allows them to provide intercity transportation only if they pass all our checks. Each driver provides a full set of identification documents and a vehicle license.
To hail a ride from Dehradun to Mussoorie, you'll need to download our free app. It has a version for iOS, Android, and Huawei devices. Note that you can use our website to book a ride from your PC or mobile browser. Just a few clicks or taps, and drivers from our platform will begin responding to your offer.
Dehradun to Mussoorie Route Information
To reach Mussoorie, you have to ride on Saharanpur road. Your journey will be short and will take a little over an hour. This is because the distance between the cities is only about 40 km. The road conditions are quite good, so your travel will be relatively comfortable.
If you entrust your trip to drivers from inDrive.Outstation, you’ll complete the Mussoorie route at a fair price. Drivers registered on our platform have nothing against negotiating with our users. They strive to reach an agreement that benefits both parties.
The Dehradun to Mussoorie distance is about 35-40 km. By air, it's a little more than 15 km. If you drive at high speed, you can get from one city to another in less than an hour. However, trips usually last longer, as their duration can be influenced by a variety of factors.
If you decide to visit Mussoorie, we strongly recommend that you choose a car as your means of transport. A ride by car will allow you to get to your destination quickly and comfortably. To hail a ride at a fair and fixed price, use the inDrive.Outstation platform.
Choose the best offer at your price
Choose your driver based on their rating, reviews, and car
You can be picked up and dropped off directly at your desired location
Mussoorie is a popular hill station that is widely known not only in India but also abroad. The city is located at the foot of the majestic Himalayan mountains. The average height above sea level here exceeds 1,800 meters. The population is just over 40,000 people.
The history of Mussoorie dates back to 1826. That year, a British officer built a hunting lodge here. In 1832, George Everest erected his mansion in this fabulous place. He was a famous geographer and the country's chief surveyor from 1830 to 1843.
Mussoorie became a hill station towards the end of the 19th century. Since then, many tourists have come here every year. This wonderful and hospitable city has many luxury hotels where you can relax and have fun with your friends or family.
Delhi NCRJaipur
Delhi NCRMumbai
PuneDelhi NCR
ChandigarhDelhi NCR
Delhi NCRDelhi NCR
HaridwarDelhi NCR
DehradunDelhi NCR
MussoorieThere are 3 popular Dehradun to Mussoorie taxi options. The first one is hatchbacks. These vehicles carry up to 4 passengers and have spacious trunks. They're great for large amounts of luggage and some bulky items.
The next Dehradun to Mussoorie cab option is sedans. Cars of this type carry up to 4 people too. You can travel in them either alone or with 2-3 companions. In any case, your ride will be comfortable because taxi services use fast and modern cars.
The last Dehradun to Mussoorie taxi service option is SUVs. These are large vehicles with high capacity. They can carry 5-7 passengers and quite a lot of bags, suitcases, etc. Cab rides in SUVs are more expensive than in sedans and hatchbacks.
The taxi fare for your Dehradun to Mussoorie ride will largely depend on the vehicle you choose. Traveling in a sedan can cost you 2,000 rupees or more. You'll pay about the same if you decide to book a hatchback.
The most expensive Dehradun to Mussoorie taxi fare is typical for SUVs. Traveling in such vehicles usually costs 20-30% more. The higher price is because these cars carry more luggage and passengers. Hire them for medium-sized groups of travelers.
Is it possible to pay less for an intercity trip in an SUV, sedan, or hatchback than using a taxi service? Yes, if you register on inDrive.Outstation! Thanks to our platform, the price of your travel from Dehradun to Mussoorie will be precisely what you find fair.
You can't travel from Dehradun to Mussoorie by train. The reason is straightforward. The nearest station to Mussoorie is in Dehradun. Thus, you need to get to the capital of Uttarakhand state and go to your destination from there.
The lack of railway connections between the cities isn't a big problem. You can always use Dehradun to Mussoorie taxis or a better alternative. Of course, we mean inDrive.Outstation. Entrust your ride to drivers from our platform, and they'll quickly take you to the popular hill station!
You can ride from Dehradun to Mussoorie using one of more than 20 buses. Tickets cost between 500-1,000 rupees. The price depends on the operator and vehicle class. The more comfortable the bus, the more expensive the tickets.
inDrive.Outstation is a good alternative to Dehradun to Mussoorie buses, especially for groups of 3-4 friends when each of them pays their own travel expenses. In this situation, a trip by car may cost you even less than by bus.
Cab companies that transport passengers from Dehradun to Mussoorie provide high-quality services. However, they offer fares that aren't very clear to customers. Because of this, your trip may cost you significantly more than you expect. inDrive.Outstation will protect you from this!
Before your ride from Dehradun to Mussoorie begins, you'll agree on its price with one of the drivers from our platform. It’ll only change if you wish it to. Once your offer is accepted, your driver won't be able to increase the cost of the ride. That's why a fixed price is better than any taxi fare.
From 2,000 rupees. To avoid paying for extra taxi services, we recommend using inDrive.Outstation. This ensures your trips are always priced fairly.
The distance between Dehradun and Mussoorie is approximately 33 kilometres.
Traveling from Dehradun to Mussoorie with our platform is absolutely safe. All drivers who register on it undergo a strict check before registration. We verify their personal data, car documents, etc. If a driver fails verification, he or she cannot use our platform.
Most people come here from April to July. If you plan to travel to Mussoorie at the most popular time, drivers from inDrive.Outstation are ready to become your reliable assistants. They're also happy to serve you in other months.